Sorcerer Kings

Who are the Sorcerer Kings?

Having unlocked the Elemental Domains of Primordial Balance, the sorcerous cabal that caused Hazlia’s Fall fled the destruction of Capitas across a chain of volcanic islands they raised. Forced, ultimately, to raise an entire continent from the very seafloor, the people they saved would see their Kings turn the new, barren and desolate lands into flourishing realms. Today, the Elemental Courts of Erme, Who moves the Oceans, Dyelin, Pyre of Gods and Men, Hormus, Who Lays Mountains Low, and Alessa, Weaver of Winds and Fates, thrive side by side their reflections in the Elemental Domains – while their Enclaves remain locked in a constant pursuit of knowledge, artistry, military and, above all, sorcerous might to support their masters’ purpose: absolute control over the Elements, so that they can preserve and rule Balance’s Domain – the world.

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How do they play?

Who are the Sorcerer Kings on the battlefield? Regiments of Elemental soldiers, spirits of Air and Fire along malevolent beasts of legend, the Sorcerer Kings bring a host of magical forces onto the battlefield. Yield powerful elemental magic, powerful new Ritual rules and a wide magical arsenal. Each Spell and Ritual belongs to an Element and when these powerful magics are unleashed, Elemental forces of the same element are empowered, given a second wind and rejuvenated whilst also acting as powerful spellcasting conduits. As powerful and influential commanders the human element is not amissed in the faction. Professional and highly trained soldiers and archers, the best money can buy, along with fully armored Mahuts break enemy lines wide open, giving their elemental brethren a chance to seep through cracks in enemy formation and cause chaos.

Why should I collect them?

You enjoy the Eastern aesthetics and the rich and vibrant cultures that inhabit it. You enjoy conjuring powerful monstrous elementals and watch your enemies break upon waves of sorcerous power. You enjoy taking magic to a whole new level, amassing arcane power only to unleash it through powerful rituals. Players who wish to harness the elements, master the arcane arts and unleash Monsters and Creatures of Eastern legends will feel right at home.

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Where do I start?

Starting with our brand new One Player Starter Set, you get a powerful and versatile base on which to base your forces. No matter element you wish to harness, a selection of Ghols and Rajakur will always be available to you.

If you wish to then explore the more mystical and elemental aspects of the Sorcerer Kings, the Sorcerer and Efreet are there to help you tap into the Elemental Domains!

If you’re looking for more ideas on how to expand the Army you can consult the Sorcerer Kings Expansion Guide found within the One Player set and uploaded online!